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7 Signs You Need Subaru Repair Immediately

When you first purchased your Subaru, it was probably a dream car of sorts. It was likely shiny and new, and it got you from point A to point B with little to no problem.

These days, however, your Subaru isn't exactly your best friend. You don't really know why, but your car's life force is fading. To make matters worse, you can't afford a new car at this stage in your life.

Perhaps, though, you don't need a new car right now. You might instead need a little Subaru repair.

How, though, do you know when your Subaru needs a repair or two? What signs should you look for?

From flashing check-engine lights to leaks, here are some signs that you need Subaru repair near Mandeville, LA immediately.

1. Your Check-Engine Light Is Flashing

Almost everyone is guilty of driving around with their check-engine lights on, and we can't exactly blame them. People seldom, after all, encounter any major problems when that light suddenly pops on.

As a matter of fact, the light doesn't necessarily mean that something is seriously wrong with your Subaru. 

It could mean a variety of things. For instance, it could signal that your emissions system has a problem or that the "gasoline cap is loose, causing the car's computer to detect an unusual pressure level in the tank.

He refers to problems of this nature as "glitches" that your average driver wouldn't notice.

Still, that light certainly can communicate to a driver that he or she may need to investigate Subaru repair near Mandeville, LA immediately. The check-engine light can, for instance, be "an indication of a failure somewhere, and the problem is often emissions related."

Despite the ambiguity surrounding the check-engine light, there is one instance in which you can be sure that it's time to take your car in. Simply put, if the light is flashing, there is most likely a major issue with your vehicle.

That said, take your car in for a good inspection if you encounter this problem. Your car and your wallet will thank you in the long run.

2. Strange Noises

Vehicles make a lot of sounds, but only a handful of those sounds are standard fare for them. Honks, occasional beeps, and a few other noises are expected. Weird ticks and hums, on the other hand, are not so normal.

Before you freak out about those noises, however, you should make every effort to find out if the source of the strange sound is something else altogether.

Some people, for example, have found instruments which they'd lost joggling around underneath their seats and in their glove compartments. Others have found items in their trunks that explained the weird noises they'd been hearing for a while.

If you look around and can't find the source of your problem, then it's time to consider Subaru repair as an option. Those little hums might seem harmless now, but you can't know what kinds of problems you'll run into in the future.

Better safe than sorry, right?

3. Screeching & Squealing

Technically speaking, screeches and squeals can count as strange noises. Your car might occasionally make such sounds, but it shouldn't do so on a regular basis.

So why single out screeches and squeals as especially problematic sounds?

Because doing so is a great way to segue into a conversation about your Subaru's brakes.

As we said, some squealing is okay, but if the squeal becomes a piercing screech and occurs more often, "it could be the warning system built into the brakes to let you know that the pads are nearing the end of their life cycle."

And, yes, braking systems do have an actual warning system. There are "small steel clips designed to make that noise to let you know that it's time for maintenance."

Ignoring these screeches is a big mistake because braking systems have an essential function. Failing to maintain those systems is a chance that you don't want to take.

4. Your Car Is Smoking

Everyone knows that a smoking car is seldom a good sign. You might see some smoke coming out of your exhaust pipe during the colder seasons, and that's perfectly fine if it stops after a short while.

Your car should never, however, ooze smoke for long periods of time.

There are two parts of your car which might smoke for one reason or another. Those parts are the exhaust pipe and the hood.

Exhaust pipes usually emit some amount of smoke, so determining how much smoke is too much can be difficult. Small increases in the amount of smoke the pipe puts out might not be obvious to many car owners.

The hood of your Subaru, though, doesn't usually emit smoke. As a result, whenever it does do so, the smoke output is obvious and should immediately cause you to seek out some Subaru repair services.

Luckily for us all, smoke, unlike the next warning sign we'll talk about, is one of the easiest warning signs of more serious problems.