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How to Choose a Reliable Subaru Mechanic

There are a lot of options when it comes to choosing a reliable Subaru mechanic in Covington, LA, but you need to make sure they are knowledgeable enough to work on a Subaru. You want to make sure they're able to work on your car specifically. But how can you wade through other non-Subaru certified mechs to find a good Subaru mechanic? There are a lot of different factors to look at when you're choosing a new mechanic. Some of them you may not have even thought about. With such a large investment at hand, it can be stressful to be on the lookout for a new mechanic. Thankfully, we're here to help. Read on to learn how you can choose a reliable mechanic for your vehicle.

Check Their Credentials

Your Subaru is a large investment that you wouldn't trust with just anyone. You want to ensure that you're choosing a reliable Subaru mechanic in Covington, LA to work on your vehicle. So aside from them telling you they're capable of doing the work, how do you know for sure? Just like any other professional, a good mechanic should be credentialed with a reputable certification. By showing their certifications, they're able to prove they've been tested with the skills necessary to fix your vehicle. Not all mechanics can service every type of vehicle. Just like doctors or lawyers, they're also able to specialize in a specific type of work. There are mechanics that are trained to work on vintage cars, and there are mechanics who are trained to work on Subaru vehicles. Look for one who has the knowledge of Subaru's cars. These mechanics will have a certification from the manufacturer to prove they're knowledgeable about Subaru's models. Another certification you should look for is from the ASE (Automotive Service Excellence). This means they have taken the properexams and skills testing necessary to work on cars. They may also have other credentials from the American Automobile Association (AAA) and other associations. Note that these certifications are for each mechanic individually, and not from the shop itself. So, make sure that you know the person who will be working on your Subaru is credentialed themselves.

Start Small

You shouldn't try out a new mechanic for something as serious as a motor problem. Instead, make sure that before you have someone work on your car that they're able to work on the smaller problems first. For example, take your car to the shop when you need a routine fix like an oil change or tire change. Use this as a guide to determine whether you're comfortable with your mechanic. There are some things you should look for when you're visiting the shop, and we'll look at those soon. The most important part is that you were comfortable with this shop, and you felt you had an overall good experience. You can then build up the relationship with tougher repairs later down the line. But if a mechanic can handle an oil change like a professional, then you should feel confident with their other services.

A Good Subaru Mechanic Should Be Willing to Show You the Problem

You may not be a car guru, or even have the knowledge to change your own oil or flat tire. But if you're asked to pay for expensive repairs, you should always be made aware of the problem firsthand. Simply taking the mechanics word for it may cost you thousands of dollars that you could've saved elsewhere. A reliable and honest Subaru mechanic will want to show you what the problem is. They will not have any issue showing you exactly the issue with your car. Though you may not understand, simply showing you will make you both feel better about the repairs. You should also always be able to watch the Subaru mechanic as they work. This is just a good rule of thumb to ensure that you're not being taken advantage of. Unfortunately, not everyone can be trusted. So, if a Subaru mechanic is willing to let you watch and keep you up to date on the repairs, chances are they're a legitimate mechanic.

Do They Give You Options?

In the auto world, there are tons of options. Just look at the many options you had when purchasing your Subaru! So, a reliable Subaru mechanic in Covington, LA should work with you to decide the best parts that will be reliable and cost effective. If a mechanic is leading you to believe that the only parts available are extremely expensive, or that there are no other options, you're not dealing with an honest person. A quality Subaru mechanic should let you know the different pricing options that you can work with. The shop should also offer you some type of warranty on your parts. For example, many shops will offer year warranties on things like tires or batteries. This is just another way that an honest mechanic will show himself.

Establish a Relationship with Your Mechanic

You wouldn't let a stranger take apart your Subaru. So, when you're looking for a Subaru mechanic, choose someone you're able to build a relationship with. Before you have them work on your car, you want to feel that you can trust them. Go with your first impressions. When you first meet the person who will be working on your car, are they friendly? Do they seem genuinely excited to be working with you? Generally, mechanics are excited to be working at something they love, so they shouldn't have a problem talking about this with you. Are they helpful when you ask questions? Do they make you feel silly for asking? A good Subaru mechanic won't bat an eyelash at helping you out or responding to what may seem to be "silly" questions. In fact, a good Subaru mechanic will be thrilled to discuss the issues with your car, or any questions you may have. Wanting to educate others on the inner workings of their car is a mechanic's dream. It gives you the knowledge to take care of your car, and they'll save themselves a lot of work next time you bring your vehicle into the shop.

Consider the Shop's Appearance

If you're walking into a shop and expecting to see clean fingernails and spotless floors, then you're not familiar with how one works. The mechanics will probably have a bit of grease on them, and the shop may have some dirt. So, don't take that into consideration when you're looking at the cleanliness of a shop. What you should be looking for is whether or not they appear organized. You should look at how they are keeping other cars in the shop. Also, note how they arrange their tools and keep them up off the floor. Your first impression should be that they look legitimate. If a shop looks a mess, chances are their work is a mess as well.

What's the Pricing Like?

Auto repair pricing can vary on the degree of severity of your problem, the location you're in, and the year and make of your car. So, there's no golden answer when it comes to how much a repair will cost you. But any good Subaru mechanic will be able to tell you the pricing up front. They will explain to you what each of the costs means, and why they're needed. An honest mechanic will tell you (and show you) what the average price for your repair will be. They'll also be able to refer to why they're pricing this repair the way they are. Remember that you get what you pay for, so if you're looking for a cheap fix, you may also be getting cheap labor.